Saturday, June 25, 2011

Five and a half months later…and it’s still weird

When I first told Brandy I was gonna be a mama, every other sentence from my mouth was “It’s weird.”

Five and a half months later, 22 weeks, it’s still weird to think about.

Legit Five month (22 week) baby belly

Two ultrasounds later in which I saw a moving, living baby; on in which I clearly saw a face. Five months of hearing a heartbeat. A few weeks of feeling the little tyke punch/kick/hiccup/move/whatever.


I can’t grasp it. Sometimes I look in the mirror and for a moment am surprised by my belly. I know it’s there…can’t really forget about it…especially when I bump things with it.

But, yep, weird…weird…weird.

Does it ever not feel weird? I mean it means I’m old enough to be called mom—I can’t pretend to be one of the “kids” anymore.

I’ve always wanted to be a mom…still want to be a mom…yet now that it’s real—it’s still not real?

So far this month has been my favorite of my pregnancy so far. The baby’s making his presence known. It’s clear by looking I’m not just gaining weight—I’m a mama-to-be. I’m not sick. I’m less tired. It’s been so nice, yet I look forward to a few stronger kick and punches (not wallops, please) so the hubs can share in the amazement. Soon come…Soon come.

But for now…it’s just weird.

Monday, June 20, 2011

I had my ultrasound today…

and I’m having a baby! And from the looks of it s/he’s a thumb sucker.

Oh what’s that?  You want to know the gender?   Sorry, you’re gonna have to wait, just like Marc. We’re gonna be the couple our OB talks about for couples undecided about finding out. But that’s our fun little secret—unless I told you our compromise, then it’s your secret too.

Speaking of OBs, I love ours. After measuring my growing incubator (aka tummy) she asks, “Are you having twins?” Haha, I think Marc died a little. But with the measurements and the ultrasound, my due date had change a nudge. I’m now due on October 27.

But for now it’s yellows and greens for this little one.

We went and did our baby registry at Babies ‘R’ Us this weekend. Can you saw ommygoshwhydoyouneedallthisstuffmyfeetaretired? Yeah cuz that’s pretty much it. I walked down aisle after aisle saying, “why do you need this? Why do you need that?” But we got our registry started/done. I have some small things to adjust/add/delete but it’s pretty much done. Phew. I don’t know that it was super dee-duper fun for either of us. But we had some moments of  “aw, cute, we want that.”

Also, in preparation for the new little Tessier, we gifted ourselves with a new table and chairs for our anniversary. Our anniversary isn’t for another month—but Crawford Furniture had a really nice sale and we know that the table we purchased will last for a while, even under the attack of the little Tessiers (both the two and four legged ones).


Sunday, June 5, 2011

OK listen up, baby mine…

So maybe, little one, just maybe, the work I did in the garden a  few weeks ago was  a little overdoing it. Maybe, I deserved being hobbled to the point of temporary cripple-dom. Maybe.

But this weekend, painting a dresser—YOUR dresser? How is that overdoing it? I was mostly sitting, or standing…but there was no sweat drawing physical labor. So why did I once again finding myself competing with a tortoise for the slowest moving or a skeleton for the creakiest. Getting off the couch required your daddy as a crutch.

So you just listen here, I have four and a half months to go, and during that time I need to get stuff done. Understand? I cannot be crippled just by cleaning or getting your room in order. Got it? All right, glad we had this little talk.




For the rest of the world, sorry for disciplining my child in public. But I did have a very productive weekend. Brandy came and helped me paint the dresser. We were aiming for a butter yellow, and what we got is…well…yellow.


We also managed to put pictures on the walls in the living room and the spare bedroom. It only took us two years of owning the house. And I bought curtains—hopefully they too will be up this weekend.

Hey, Aunt Lucy! The cross-stich is up—finally! It’s a perfect fit!


We also moved the twin bed out of the nursery and into the guest room. Things are moving along…even me—I’m working out my kinks this morning, and no longer would a foot race the tortoise be a competition.

And since I know some of you have been asking, here’s my belly:


(and look, before and after we put up pictures!)

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Post in which I pretend my siblings don’t read my blog and get a big head…

But if any of you know my siblings, they will get a big head and make comments on this post…but I plow ahead anyway.


This is the blog where I talk about siblings, my siblings—all seven of them—and how I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

There, I said it.

What? You actually want more…siiigh—you will cause my siblings to have over-inflated egos you know.

Recently, I’ve heard comments from expectant mommies who currently have an only child. They’ve expressed guilt for their first—guilt about being excited for the second, and guilt for the second for feeling guilty about the first. I have one word for them, “Stop.” Mommies, you have no idea that you are giving your child the best gift you could ever give them. You are giving them a playmate, a companion, a accomplice, a confidante…the list goes on and on.

I know a little about parent sharing. I can’t say that I’ve ever felt that I was neglected or didn’t get enough attention. Granted as a kid I wanted to take skating and gymnastics and horseback riding…all of which my mom said, “if everyone can’t do it, no one can.” But really, those were passing phases, and I’m no worse for not doing those things.

Especially, as we get older, and the bickering and book throwing (yes, that’s what I mean, ask Mark and Kurt) subside, I have grown to appreciate my siblings more and more. Not only for what they can do for me (hey another benefit of siblings is a labor force—just be prepared to return in kind) but also what they mean. It means difficult decisions and burdens can be shared.  When my dad was overseas, I was so grateful to have siblings who understood exactly what my family was going through. When my grandma was sick, you didn’t have to feel bad about explaining things, because they already knew. When planning my parents’ anniversary party, there were seven others to help.

I will not try to delude you all to think that my siblings always lived harmoniously. If you know any of my siblings at all…you know—see aforementioned book throwing. There were days when after staying home alone with a number of siblings, upon mom’s return I told her in no uncertain terms “you cannot leave so-and-so here again. S/he’s horrible.” Once you got your driver’s license you were obligated to play taxi to the younger siblings—occasionally with a little grumbling. You scoff and roll your eyes during another siblings temper tantrums. But do you know what? Folks, that’s called ammo. For potential boy/girlfriends, children, etc. etc. etc.—those stories come out again and again. And so does the laughter.

So, for all you parents out there expanding your family of three to four. Congratulations! Be guilt-free, you have no idea what you’re getting into (really you don’t, are you crazy?! j/k). Just sit back (ok there may be some child rearing, fight breaking up, and disciplining involved) and watch your children’s relationship bloom. If you have to feel guilty, don’t let them know—they have no idea that you think they should be jealous or are going to be missing out. They will follow your lead. So don’t worry, be happy.

And one day you can have pictures like these of the moments your little siblings spend together.


Now you just can’t wait can you?