Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pulling a The David Cook for Charity: AFS-USA

I’ll admit it. I’m guilty. I am a blog-stalking addict. And one of the blogs I stalk religiously is Mommy Wants Vodka. (I know, great name, right?) Today on Mommy Wants Vodka, she’s promoting a blog prank of sorts for charity, Pulling a The David Cook. And so, because AFS-USA is the very most awesome-est thing in the world, I’m joining in (and seriously, it has nothing to do with free ice cream. But then I wouldn’t have to pay for a Christmas present for Sarah). I’m jumping on the bandwagon for AFS-USA, so to speak.

I’m fudging the contest a little as AFS-USA isn’t exactly what one would call a charity, but it’s a not-for-profit on a mission for peace: “AFS-USA works toward a more just and peaceful world by providing international and intercultural learning experiences to individuals, families, schools, and communities through a global volunteer partnership.”

So, I’m calling it a charity (Defined by Merriam-Webster: benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity), and I think it fits.

It is clear that I find AFS-USA to be a very worthwhile and awesome and formative part of my life. Because I talk about AFS-USA here and here and here. Also, I talk about AFS-USA in this blog and this one and again here. But that’s not all, because there is this one and this one and another one and lastly this one. (the last one is the best, I think).

AFS-USA can always use more attention. So I’m trying to help bring some attention to Studying Abroad. The US doesn’t value studying abroad as much as we should. Organizations, such as AFS-USA, are so valuable to our never-ending attempts for peace. If we understand one another, how can we fight one another? Ya know?

Or if you are not of the age to Study abroad, you could become a Host Family for AFS-USA and welcome a new culture into your home.

If both of those are beyond your capabilities (I won’t say desires, because everyone wants to do those) you could Volunteer with or Donate to AFS-USA. Not-for-profit often equates to Not-enough-money-for-all-we-dream-to-accomplish.

And so this AFS-USA Returnee I have a special place in my heart for AFS-USA and all AFS-USA represents.

So please, in your ramblings through the internet and the Pulling a David Cook world, visit AFS-USA’s website and consider how you might change your world (and the world of hundreds of others—ripple in the water effect) with an AFS-USA experience.


Hey, and if you have an AFS-USA experience to share, leave your story in the comments (using the phrases AFS-USA and The David Cook of course) because that helps bring the internet world’s attention to AFS-USA and the Pulling A David Cook. kthanksbye

A shout out to Wikipedia for this photo of the David Cook.


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