Friday, February 10, 2012

Why I <3 February…

Contrary to a recent post my birthday isn't really something I stress over. Each year means I’m alive and healthy. And I get to celebrate that with my family. This year it will be extra special, because I’ll have a daughter to celebrate with (not that she’ll have a clue). And my birthday is swiftly approaching. I had a very short “before 30 bucket list.” I was never written or spoken too much about…but I wanted to have a baby before I turned 30. Therefore, for me, that meant meeting Mr. Right and getting married. Guess we can cross that one off the list. Snuck by with a few months to spare. It really never was about being 30, but more about being 40…you know having kids so I’ll have the energy and hopefully health to enjoy many. many of my child(ren)’s years.









Red heart Red heart Red heart Red heart Red heart Red heart

Also, February took on a new special meaning last year. It was when I found out I was pregnant (and most likely when I got that way Winking smile)

Last year…February was so unreal, so surreal, and this sonogram here, made it a bit more real. We had so many moments asking ourselves what the year would bring…we continue to ask that, and imagine our munchkin growing, doing and being.IMG_20110326_160504

 Red heart  Red heart Red heart Red heart Red heart Red heart

Valentine’s Day…I love holidays. They are special to me. Every. Single. One. Commercialized or not. Now I know many of you (dudes, single friends, separated/divorced friend…) hate this day. But not me. Nope. I have always insisted that celebrating Valentine’s day be separate from my birthday, because, hello, they are TWO DIFFERENT DAYS. (Sorry, Marc) I don’t need expensive jewelry; however, this girl loves her some flowers (but seriously…go to Aldi, Tops, someplace cheaper that FTD or some nonsense). I don’t need to go to some amazingly expensive, gorgeous restaurant where there are 3 forks, 3 spoons and a glass, teacup and wine glass. Nope…let’s go to Denny’s, Friendly’s or Pizza Hut. I just like the idea of a day that you make sure to stop and remember to love on your significant other, your friend, your family. Some days—especially during the Christmas season—we just get so caught up in doing and living our lives, we just forget about being together and loving on each other. So that’s what my Valentine’s day is for. Calling a time out to life, to work, school and obligations to the world…and just being obligated to my Mister (and just maybe the munchkin too). And really it doesn’t need to be on the 14th of February. It stinks that life doesn’t always respect your “Time out.” I work evenings and that particular date just happens to be the one lunch meeting Marc has all week. So we adapt…and we’ll have lunch, together, a different day. Taking the time to just be.




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