Saturday, February 11, 2012

One of those days…


That’s the best way to describe today. Autumn went from so incredibly happy to a whiney grump in the blink of an eye. And Grumpy definitely stuck around longer than Happy. Fed, changed, just napped and being held…what’s left to a three month old’s life…apparently an even longer nap. Aaaah, peace.

Except for the cat (pretty much a repeat of the same old same old)…a lethargic cat who will always eat…not eating. Yay for more stress…Come on cat! Won’t you poop? Please?

And so it’s pizza for dinner, and then the Sabres game…on Channel 2! Yay! A happy baby and a pooping cat would just be capstone on my Saturday night. Don’t you wish for those things for your Saturday night?

I’m going to go try to fold laundry and accomplish something from this day.

Shhh…baby’s sleeping…


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