Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Busy little bee

I’ve been slacking on the posting again. But I’ve accomplished sooo much.

Yesterday I spent the whole day with my mom chopping up my jack-o-lanterns, peeling the pumpkins and cooking it to can. Between my mom, brother and me (or is it I?) we canned 19 pints and 4 quarts. That’s 7 pumpkins worth. And my mom has 3 more pumpkins to go.

And today? Today I officially (well we. Thank you Sarah) unpacked the last box from our move. It only took a year and a few months. The bed rooms are all usable. The office just needs a bit of a cleaning, and I am soooo happy.

I will have phase two of this post shortly. Once I sort through all the craziness.

But yay! Good things!

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